Free Demo
on Saturday (June 23rd from 1 to 3pm)! Ron Lehocky, who
makes polymer heart pins to support his charity, the Kids Center for Pediatric
Therapies in Louisville, KY is coming for a visit to Creative Journey Studios.
He has graciously offered to give a free demo about how he makes his wonderful
hearts. His techniques can apply to all sorts of polymer pin making, and it
will be fun to watch him in action. After 19,200 hearts at last count, Ron
definitely has some tips to share. We've been busy at the gallery and have expanded
our retrospective collection to an even more mind-boggling size. This is a
great opportunity to see what we are all about, have some good snacks and visit
with other hardcore polymer addicts.
Sarah is staying to
teach an extra session on Tuesday, July 10th. She will present her
take on making ‘Big Beads’, using Sculpey Ultralight clay (which Polyform is
providing for the class—thank you, Iris). Using kaleidoscope cans or simple
skinner bends as veneers, the class will make molds, pinch, carve and utilize
Sarah’s new techniques for reverse inlay to create an array of beads that
showcase these cool techniques. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one
of polymer’s premier teachers. The weekend is just $215 and Tuesday is $105.
You can hold your spot by calling 404-314-5767 with a credit card. If you have
further questions, please give us a call!
Be sure to check the summer classes page often. Don't miss Cindy Moore, Julie
Eakes, Christi Friesen, Lindly Haunani, Kim St. Jean, Tammy Honaman, Judy
Belcher and Jana Roberts Benzon. We're making lots of fun plans for the rest of summer and into fall.